“We appreciate we have a national crisis on our hands and leaders need to make tough decisions in sport and leisure. But we have not heard near enough about the impact on disabled people’s lives during the pandemic. No disabled person should ever feel forgotten or overlooked in the communities we all serve.
“That’s why this insight is so important. We have listened to disabled people and urge decision makers to do the same, and act swiftly upon the findings. If we do not act now, we will witness inequalities widen even further, or unthinkably they may become irreversible. Prioritising disabled people is the only way to prevent this from happening. Every plan, every action and every penny spent must be tested against its impact on disabled people’s activity.”
In response to the pandemic, UK Coaching has been providing coaches with access to key information and advice, including how to deliver great coaching online, so that they can continue to get, and keep, the nation moving.
The lead charity for coaching in the UK has also just launched a Coaching Through Covid Hub that aims to empower coaches to keep coaching effectively and hone their skills until Government restrictions are lifted.