The new course raises awareness of the crucial role coaches’ play in helping people with visual impairments (VI) overcome barriers to participation in sport and physical activity, complementing UK Coaching’s ‘Person-centred’ principle of great coaching.
Figures from Sport England’s Active People Survey show that only 10.4% of people with a VI meet the Chief Medical Officers guidelines for physical activity. And according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People, ‘almost half of blind and partially sighted people feel “moderately” or “completely” cut off from people and things around them’, demonstrating the importance of sport and physical activity as a vehicle to reduce social isolation.
Coaching People with Visual Impairments is packed full of helpful tips, practical solutions and vibrant videos that will increase coaches’ knowledge, assurance and skills of coaching participants with VI, ultimately, making their practice more inclusive.
The course is suitable for anyone coaching and is fully accessible to VI learners.