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03 Jan 2018 458

UK Coaching complies with Code for Sports Governance

UK Coaching has received confirmation from sports councils, UK Sport and Sport England that it has successfully achieved all actions within its Governance Action Plan and has been recognised as compliant with the Code for Sports Governance.

The Code contains important changes to the governance of sport, including:

  • Greater transparency, enabling participants and fans to better understand the decision-making of those leading their sports
  • Reforms to board memberships, including at least 25% independent members
  • Commitments to greater diversity, including at least 30% of each gender on boards
  • Establishing boards as the ultimate decision-making authority within a sport rather than traditional councils
  • Tighter term limits for board and council members to ensure a regular renewal of ideas and expertise

Commenting on the compliance, UK Coaching's CEO Mark Gannon, said:

“Good governance and standards are vital to ensure that sport and physical activity meets the needs of the UK population. Over 3 million coaches represents a large proportion of the industry and it is important that as an organisation we abide by the correct due diligence as we encourage great coaching from those who in turn go on to transform the lives of others by enabling them to achieve their own desired goals and outcomes.

“We are delighted and proud to have been recognised by UK Sport and Sport England for compliance with the code and will continue to commit to this work as we evolve as an organisation.” 

Sport Minister Tracey Crouch said:

“We have been clear that we want our sports governing bodies to have world-leading standards of governance and I am delighted that they have responded so positively to the introduction of the Code. 

"The positive, extensive changes being made will strengthen sport in the UK, increase transparency and diversity and make sure that sports leadership is more representative of modern Britain.”

UK Sport Chief Executive Liz Nicholl said:

“Our National Governing Bodies should take great pride in what they have achieved. As a nation we have delivered on our promise to develop the strongest set of sport governance requirements anywhere in the world.

"The impact of these reforms will take time to have an effect however, and the true test will be in how sport in the UK operates every day in its leadership, management, decision-making and commitment to diversity and engagement.”

Sport England Chief Executive Jennie Price said:

“This is a very significant achievement for sport as a whole. Improved standards of governance will benefit the millions of people who play or give their time to sport every week.

"National Governing Bodies will be stronger, more transparent and more diverse in their leadership. As a result they will make better decisions, which will enable them to provide an even better service to those who matter most: the players and volunteers in their sports.”