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#Born2Coach Tell your Story!

Share your story and be part of a huge, nationwide movement to inspire people to become coaches.

You can help spread the word and show your support for the #Born2Coach movement and coaching by sharing what inspired YOU to coach and updating your social media profiles with our #Born2Coach graphics

#Born2Coach aims to significantly boost the coaching workforce by igniting people's desire to become coaches and empowering those of you who already coach to improve your abilities, and help send a powerful message on the impact of great coaching.

What better way to encourage people to get involved in coaching than to hear from coaches like you and your experiences?

Below is how you can get involved, express your support on social media and help inspire people to become a coach.

Help us build an 'inspiring wall' by sharing who YOU are, why YOU got into coaching and why YOU think people should get into coaching.

Once you’ve made and shared your story come back and see it on our wall below.

Thank you for joining the movement! Together we can make a difference and increase the number of coaches in the UK.

How to Get Involved



  1. Update your social profiles with our #Born2Coach social graphics and twibbon (see below for graphics)
  2. Write your post about your story to inspire others
  3. Post it on social media using #Born2Coach
  4. Tag us on Twitter: @_UKCoaching Instagram: @ukcoaching
  5. Find yourself on our wall below 

Below you can download the #Born2Coach social background images and then upload them to your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.

  • Twitter and Facebook: To add the twibbon at the click of a button directly onto your profiles, visit our Born2Coach microsite.
  • Instagram: once you've added the Born2Coach twibbon to your Facebook profile image, just import it by editing your profile photo in the Instagram app and selecting the "Import from Facebook" option.
  • LinkedIn: you'll find our photo frame template and the quick and easy steps you need to take to update your profile in the #Born2Coach social backgrounds download below.

The #Born2Coach Wall