Safeguarding is a ‘Minimum Deployment Requirement' for many governing bodies of sport. The ‘Minimum Deployment Requirements’ are seen as the basic standards every coach needs to meet to carry out their role safely and effectively.
Find out more about deployment standards:
The online classroom can also be attended by all those responsible for organising adult’s sport (eg within governing bodies of sport, local authorities, sports and leisure centres, and sports clubs) and those who lead or deliver adult’s sport programmes (eg coaches, leaders, instructors, development officials, administrators, volunteers and parents).
Check with your governing body of sport for further information, and to ascertain whether or not attendance at a safeguarding workshop or online classroom is required before you commence coaching. Governing bodies of sport set their own standards for safeguarding training. The Ann Craft Trust’s recommendation is that anyone with regular responsibility for adults should ideally undertake tutor-led training.
Tutor-led training allows delegates to ask questions in a safe environment facilitated by a qualified safeguarding tutor. It also provides the opportunity to discuss specific safeguarding issues that arise during the training. eLearning training is available online. It is recommended to be completed at three-yearly intervals.