We always strive to do the right thing, we take responsibility for our actions, we consider the implications of our actions on others, and we will challenge unethical and non-inclusive practices and behaviours linked to our organisational values.
We have a Staff Code of Conduct that contains guidance for employees on the standard of behaviour that we expect and explains procedures that will be followed should these not be met.
As an Inclusive Employer, Mindful Employer and rated a ‘Very Good’ company to work for by Best Companies, these policies and procedures are in place to ensure that all staff maintain reasonable standards of conduct, performance and attendance to contribute to the smooth running of the organisation. To maintain acceptable standards of behaviour, we will deal with issues relating to bullying and harassment, including racial and sexual harassment, under this policy.
All offers of employment are subject to receipt of references that we find to be satisfactory. All employees are asked to undertake a DBS check and their continued employment will be reviewed on the basis of the report.
We also deploy a contracted workforce of tutors or assessors to deliver some of our products and services. Every member of the contracted workforce is required to obtain and provide UK Coaching and its subsidiaries with an up-to-date DBS certificate.
Applicants to the workforce are required to complete a tutor criteria form. The form seeks explicit information about their training and experience. The workforce is selected on their suitability to meet the job specification requirements and responsibilities. Applicants will receive confirmation of their application/interview in writing. If the outcome is positive, arrangements are made for induction and any relevant training. New members of the contracted workforce are then required to agree, in writing, to abide by the UK Coaching policies and procedures.
As part of the recruitment and renewal of services for our contracted workforce, we undergo thorough due diligence checks to ensure everything is in place. These checks include having a DBS check, holding appropriate insurance, relevant qualifications, and confirmation of regular Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities.
We expect exemplary conduct from our all of staff and contracted workforce. If you have any concerns about the conduct of one of our direct employees or our contracted workforce, you should request a call back from our People & Culture team by emailing [email protected].