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Understanding Sport Psychology

This is one of nine themes that comprise the Coach Learning Framework.

Sport Psychology Toolkit

Discover practical tools to help you develop a more flexible, adaptive and resilient mindset that will enable participants to achieve their potential


Child and Adolescent Brain Development

Psychology Shorts: The Teenage Brain

Discover how the brain develops during the teenage years with Dr Suzanne Brown


Sally Needham - Understanding Social Engagement

Find out about Sally Needham's work in understanding brain development and its implications for supporting coaches and learners


Coaches Should Nurture Children's Creativity and Imagination

Understand how children learn differently to adults and the implications for designing and tailoring sessions


Using Dual Coding to Process Information and Learn Effectively

Consider how combining verbal and visual information can aid learning


How Memory Works: Retrieval Practice

Find out how you can use retrieval practice to help you learn more effectively


Understanding Individual Learning Styles

Consider how you prefer to absorb, process, make sense of and retain information with this reference guide


Coaching the Whole Chimp

Consider the 'Chimp Paradox' model and how it can be used effectively within sports psychology


Holistic Individual Development

The Value of Interdisciplinary Thinking

Consider the importance of interdisciplinary thinking and considering holistic development within your practice with Jason Tee


The Talent and Performance Take on Holistic Development

Explore the importance of developing all aspects of an athlete's biological, psychological and social make-up


We Must Understand the People We Coach

Find out how Esther Jones establishes a supportive environment and ensures that her participants have autonomy


Be a Coach of People, Not Sports

Explore the value of being a person-centred coach with the help of some of England's finest


Five Ways to Develop ‘The Art of Noticing’

Consider five strategies to help you observe and notice participant's actions, behaviours and emotions


Developing Self-Regulation and Emotional Management

Developing Self-Awareness in the Athletes You Coach

Learn about modelling ideal behaviour and focusing on 'emotional vocabularly'


Psychology Shorts: The Importance of Emotions

Discover how we understand, make sense and begin to manage our emotions with Dr Suzanne Brown


Psychology Shorts: Emotional Intelligence

Explore the concept of emotional intelligence (including the triangle of self awareness) with Dr Suzanne Brown


Understanding Self-Talk: What do Athletes Tell Themselves?

Discover the concept of self-talk and top tips to help you support your athletes in using self-talk to improve performance


Self-Regulation: ‘The Bedrock of Healthy Psychological Functioning’

Explore the concept of self-regulation and strategies for developing it in participants


The Benefits of Integrating Your Emotions into Your Coaching

Discover the importance of identifying and managing your emotions to reach your potential with Dr Suzanne Brown


Joe Montemurro's Top Tips for Understanding Your Emotions

Consider strategies for understanding your emotions and ensure positive outcomes for participants and you


Sport Psychology Performance Skills

Developing Young Players’ Mental Skills

Learn how to integrate the development of mental skills into your sessions


PCDEs in Practice: How to Develop Psychological Skills through your Coaching

Consider how to use the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence in your sessions


Understanding Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Theory

Learn how psychological factors affect sports performance and consider the role of the mind in sustaining success


Developing Independent Participants

Explore the importance of encouraging your participants to take ownership and responsibility of their own learning and development


The Psychology of Motivation

Explore the topic of motivation, with a particular focus on self-determination theory and achievement goal theory


How to Build Self-Confidence in Your Participants

Discover eight strategies for helping participants improve their self-worth and self-efficacy


Developing People’s Resilience in Your Session

Discover some useful and effective resilience-building tips


Understanding Concentration, Attention and Focus

Discover clear explanations of concentration, attention and focus


Understanding Motor Imagery and its Role in Coaching

Find out how motor imagery is a skill that can be developed


How to Maximise Preparation with Pre-Performance Routines

Explore how pre-performance routines can enhance performance in competition and strategies for achieving a positive result


Understanding Effective Goal Setting

Consider SMART goal setting as an effective process and the importance of recognising that not everything is in the individual's control


Understanding and Reflecting on Your Identity and Self-Concept

Explore self-concept and identity and reflect on your own identity, including what you stand for


Managing Support Network Expectations

Developing Self-Belief in Your Participants

Consider the importance of self-belief and its impact on performance


A Model of Consistency: Send the Right Message to Parents

Understand the importance of connectivity, alignment and consistency in parental engagement


Support and Advice for Parents in Sport

Explore tips and advice for parents in sport with recommendations from Tanni Grey-Thompson


Managing 'Over-Ambitious' Parents

Explore insight on managing the parents of your participants, developed in partnership with Spond


Coach Learning Framework

The Coach Learning Framework has been created to help you design memorable and engaging great coaching experiences that meet the needs of all your participants, regardless of your sport or physical activity.

Understanding Sport Psychology is one of nine themes that comprise this insight-based framework.

Continue your journey through the framework to learn more about the other eight themes and the key attributes of high-quality coaching environments, and how you can demonstrate the skills, qualities and behaviours that will empower the people you coach to achieve their personal goals.