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UK Coaching Team

How to Respond to a Suspected Concussion

The DCMS and the Sport and Recreation Alliance have provided clear guidance for grassroots sports coaches on how to manage a concussion during practice and competition. Our simple infographic identifies the key steps to follow

The guidance is clear: if in doubt, sit them out. If you suspect that someone you coach has a concussion, follow the clear steps laid out in our infographic.

Following a suspected concussion:

  1. Safely remove the individual from the field of play and ensure that they do not return to play in that game even if they say that their symptoms have resolved.
  2. Observe the player or assign a responsible adult to monitor the individual once the player is removed.
  3. If the participant is under 18 years old, contact the parent/carer to inform them of the possible concussion.
  4. Arrange for the participant to get home safely.
  5. Arrange for a responsible adult to supervise the player over the next 24-48 hours.
  6. Ensure any relevant injury report form is completed and stored by the organisation.
  7. Follow a graduated return to activity (education/work) and sport programme with an emphasis on initial relative rest and returning to education/work before returning to training for sport.


The government’s guidance on concussion for grassroots sport. The message is simple, clear and important: ‘if in doubt, sit them out’



Learn more about concussion, its impact on people, and how you can adapt your coaching environment to support people who have a concussion


Related Resources

  • Everything You Need to Know about Concussion

  • The Should and Should Nots of Concussion

  • A Guide to Safe to Practice


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UK Coaching Team