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UK Coaching Team
Self-care and development Personal Development

Getting Some Support for Your Coaching

Sometimes coaching can be a lonely experience. One of the best ways you can support yourself as a coach is by getting someone else to help you. This could be lots of different people, possibly a coach developer, so consider those you know well and maybe a few you are less familiar with

When you approach someone to ask for their support, be positive! Consider what they will gain from the experience. A good opener might be: “would you mind having a conversation about my coaching? I’d really appreciate your thoughts!”

Having coaching conversations

Having a conversation with someone else is a brilliant way of getting a different perspective on you and your coaching. Think about those that might be able to offer some useful feedback.

These might include:

  • any other coaches you work with
  • someone else from the club
  • the athletes/players
  • the parents
  • a coach developer.

What are the benefits of connecting with someone and getting a different view?

  1. They might share something you have not noticed or thought about before.
  2. They could spark your curiosity to find out more and explore different possibilities.
  3. They could help you find support and development opportunities: you don't have to find all the answers yourself!
  4. They could help you develop your coaching practice.
  5. Receiving positive feedback could build your confidence.

Incorporating reflection into coaching conversations

We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience."

John Dewey

Reflection helps you make sense of your experiences and change your practice. When preparing for a coaching conversation, think about what you might want to focus on. Some themes/questions to consider could include:

  • describing your coaching style
  • identifying your coaching strengths
  • thinking about how you communicate with different groups (players/parents/other coaches).

Self-reflection does have its limitations as it can be limited by your own:

  • awareness
  • personal biases
  • assumptions.

This is where having a reflective conversation with someone else is powerful. Remember, your reflecting should not stop with the conversation, hopefully it will get you thinking more.

Consider your coach support session:

  • What did you discuss that was different to what you expected?
  • What did you hear that makes you more curious?
  • What do you need to find out more about?

The main message here is take the first step to get some support with your coaching – you’ll be amazed by the generosity of others and the insight you can gain!

Good luck!

Related Resources

  • Eight Steps to Great Coaching Reflection

  • Reflection: Developing Your Coaching Craft

  • Curious Coaches' Club: Getting Better at Reflection


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UK Coaching Team