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14 Apr 2020 86
Supporting Specific Needs Organising and Planning

Behaviour Bitesize Blog: 1.4 Person-centred

This series explores each of the identified coaching behaviours alongside the Principles of Great Coaching. Featuring Craig Robson, project manager of the Tackling Inactivity in Colleges project at Tyne Metropolitan College, this blog highlights how person-centred coaching involves adapting activities to meet the needs of the people you coach and to maintain a safe environment

Understanding the people you coach is essential if you want to get your offer right. You don’t need to interrogate every person in your group! But getting a flavour of their circumstances can help you make valuable adjustments to how you frame things for them, enabling you to build a better rapport.

As such, it can be beneficial to find out about:

  • their motivations
  • their background
  • the community they live in
  • the experiences they have had or are living through.

Creating and maintaining a ‘safe and welcoming’ environment is something we hear often when debating how to create a space that people will feel comfortable engaging with. As simple as this may seem, there is a lot to achieving this for everyone. Let’s break down this behaviour to understand more. 

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