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UK Coaching Team
Organising and Planning Learning Theory Coaching styles

Making Learning Happen

Ed Cope shares his thoughts on making learning happen for participants and offers insight into a number of approaches to support participant learning

The ultimate goal for any coach is to positively impact participant learning. Unsurprisingly, because of the complex nature of learning, discussions are divided on how participant learning best happens. One of the main challenges is how we assess learning and whether we are measuring learning or something else.

This resource will explore several approaches that are generally agreed as good practice. While stopping short of offering simple, step-by-step prescriptions for what you should incorporate into your coaching practice, we will focus specifically on four well-established ideas and concepts that are accepted in supporting participant learning.

These ideas and concepts are considered in the context of coaching practice, but at times include research from other areas of learning to extend knowledge and understanding.

In this resource, we will introduce the ideas and concepts of scaffolding, feedback, varied/interleaving, and spacing/retrieval practice. In the second resource, we will build upon these to provide examples of how coaches could embed these ideas and concepts into their practice.

The aim of these resources is to encourage coaches to ask why you are doing certain things and how this aligns with your intentions for practice.


As we go through the four approaches, take each one in turn and consider how this principle can inform and impact your current practice.


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UK Coaching Team