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UK Coaching Team
Females Safety and Welfare Organising and Planning

The Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Training and Performance

In the seventh resource in a series, the Welsh Institute of Performance Science’s Natalie Brown explains the impact that the menstrual cycle can have on training and provides top tips and strategies for the management of the menstrual cycle within coaching sessions

Did you know that within the athletic population, up to 93% of athletes across multiple sports self-report performance detriments or negative experiences in training associated with their menstrual cycle?

Currently there are no definitive answers to programming training around the menstrual cycle. It’s also important to remember that every female will have an individual experience (physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms) of their menstrual cycle and that it will impact training and performance differently.

Due to large between-study variation and number of poor-quality studies, general guidelines on exercise performance cannot be formed; rather it is recommended that a personalised approach should be taken based on each individual's response to exercise performance across the menstrual cycle."

McNulty et al., 2020

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