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UK Coaching Talent and Performance
Talent and Performance Improving Physical Ability

Understanding Hydration: Considerations for Working with Athletes

Insight on the importance of hydration that includes key terms and some suggestions for encouraging your athletes to stay hydrated, developed in partnership with Paul Rimmer. A lack of adequate hydration can have an impact on health and performance

Water makes up around two-thirds of our body’s total weight and is essential for a wide range of functions that affect our health and performance. Most people require 2-3 litres of water per day (around 6-8 glasses of water) to maintain adequate levels of hydration, however those who exercise regularly or do sport will probably require more. 

It is common in a coaching setting that many people we work with will consume too little fluid both prior to and during training sessions and competitions. This can affect concentration levels and performance, which from a coaching perspective are things that we should obviously be concerned about so that we can get the best out of the people we work with and facilitate our ability to deliver effective coaching sessions. 

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UK Coaching Talent and Performance