First, a quick reminder for sports developers of what an appropriate workforce looks like:
Regular long-term commitment to coaching and participants; likely to lead a session; usually connected to one sport; experienced; qualified.
Assistant coach:
Regular coaching usually with other coaches; often younger or a parent; qualified.
Session leader/coordinator:
Leading more one-off sessions; usually multiple sports; no formal coaching qualifications.
Supporters of a session who have an awareness of the programme being rolled out but do not necessarily have any formal coaching or leadership qualification.
Coach mentor:
Supporting the development of a coach.
Leisure centre or ‘franchisee’:
Session venue is franchised out to local authority or community venue staff.
Governing body of sport regional support officer:
Regional coordinator of the programme available to support local programme deliverers.
UK Coaching and Women in Sport
About the Author:
Through our commitment to people, passion and progress, UK Coaching is taking the lead in coaching excellence. Women in Sport wants to advance gender equality through and within sport – from the field of play to the boardroom – and empower women and girls through sport, throughout their lives.