Six defining principles
At Boing Kids, their games are characterised by six defining principles: the 6 Cs. They’re intended to ensure that the Boing’s games not only improve physical literacy in children, but also have a positive impact on other life skills, such as decision-making and interpersonal skills such as teamwork.
Even when the games are modified, either to better apply to a sport or physical activity or to add in progressions to encourage further development, they should still meet the parameters defined by the 6 Cs.
Boing Kids’ 6 Cs:
- Games should be captivating: everyone taking part should enjoy themselves
- Games should be challenging: everyone involved should have the opportunity to meet and solve challenging but achievable problems
- Games should involve constant play: no children should be obliged to sit out; if they do get out, they should have the opportunity to join in again soon
- Games should promote collaboration: once your group is familiar with the game, encourage them to work with you to make their own rules
- Games should encourage creative decision-making: everyone involved should feel empowered to make their own decisions and think outside the box
- Games should celebrate progress: each child will experience success at different times. It’s crucial to recognise and celebrate even the little moments!