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UK Coaching Team
Females Inactive people Developing Mindsets

Helping More Women Get Active

Four practical steps coaches can use to help women overcome their fears and apprehensions about participating in sport

As a coach you may have been inspired by the #ThisGirlCan celebration of active women. UK Coaching wants to support the campaign by providing coaches with practical ideas to help women overcome the fear of judgement, which stops them from joining in.

Four essential ways to get more women active

  1. Create a welcoming environment

Creating a welcoming environment for women is just as important as the technical coaching and activities you are delivering. It’s not just what you do, but how you do it that can make the difference and keep women coming back week after week. Creating a warm, friendly and welcoming coaching environment includes: your body language, the tone and style of your coaching and all other types of communication that surrounds your session, including online. Part of being welcoming means remembering the ‘human factor’ and making women feel good about themselves in your session. 

  1. Understand the reasons why women come to your session

It is important to know what motivates women to take part in sport and physical activity. Internal motivations are driven by an interest in, or enjoyment of, the activity, rather than relying on external recognition or reward. Examples might include feeling good, developing skills, having fun and being with friends and family. Meeting internal motivations can help build up the habit of taking part on a regular basis. 

  1. Be aware of the fear of being judged

Fear of being judged is, for many women, an all-encompassing concern. It can also pass as another but more ‘acceptable’ barrier to joining in, like not having the time. The fear of judgement can come from many different people, including family and friends, and will affect self-confidence and attitude towards sport and physical activity.

  1. Build women’s confidence

Low confidence can mean women in your session might be unwilling to try new things and fully engage. Being able to recognise success helps build confidence. Achievements include all the small steps towards bigger successes and improvements. Make sure you celebrate them all.

Kristina Patterson explains:

"For women, it is people they can relate to – not this perfect image of a finely tuned professional athlete, but of someone who is like them.

For girls, it is images of people who are like their older sisters, mums, aunties, teachers, the lollipop lady – people in their everyday life.

'This Girl Can' presents sports participation as something that everyone can engage in.

Making women visible at all levels of sport

Being a parent is a fantastic motivating tool. Every parent wants their children to be healthy and happy; setting the example of being active can play a significant part in this. I want my children to see it as completely ‘normal’ - that being active is something the whole family do.

Similarly, as a coach I hope that every time I step on to the pitch or the mats, even though there may be only one or two girls in the session, I hope that those girls, as well as the mums and sisters watching, have a sense that sport is for everyone, including them.

When I first began coaching football, parents would often comment that they loved that their daughters had a female coach. At the time, I didn’t fully appreciate what they meant. Now as a parent I really do.

We take opportunities to expose our daughters to female coaches when the opportunity arises – not because they’ll necessarily coach them any better than a male coach, but because it reaffirms the normality of females being active and involved in sport."

Related Resources

  • Reducing Physical Inactivity (Part 1)

  • Reducing Physical Inactivity (Part 2)

  • Reducing Physical Inactivity (Part 3)


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