For most women, approaching their doctor to talk menopause and their symptoms is a big step. It can be a very scary step. Talking about the menopause inevitably means talking about things women often view as intimate and embarrassing.
It’s also a time when confidence is low, sleeping patterns may be disrupted, and emotions of anxiety, anger, and frustration (usually all of them) are bubbling on the surface.
With all that going on, it’s not a surprise that it can be all-consuming and just too much for an individual to get their head around what they’re going through. Let alone, what to say, how to say it, and how to push back appropriately for the answers they need.
The good news is that women can take control. The first place to visit, ‘the first stop, not always the last stop’, is their doctor, and the better prepared they are, the more efficiently and effectively their doctor can discuss the next measures.
Getting ready for the appointment takes a little effort but it’s worth it. Encourage your participants to be positive, stay proactive, and try to switch their mindset to be solution-focused, rather than problem-based.