Within each theme, you will find:
- a top tips sheet
- a MindMap with links to additional learning on the platform and psychological concepts for you to consider, a great way to explore each theme and develop your learning and understanding
- an animation to help you understand the theme, why it is important and how you can bring this into your coaching practice
- a podcast featuring a coach sharing their experiences, ideas and thoughts
- three activities for you to share and use with your participants.
There are lots of ways you can use the toolkit. Why not dive in and select an activity based on a problem you are trying to solve? Alternatively, you could explore a theme with your participants within a phase of your planning and practice sessions.
We have provided an outline of the activities for each theme and the order that we think will help you get the most out of the activities and enable you to support your participants most effectively. But this isn’t set in stone, it’s simply a suggestion and a ‘handrail’ to guide you through the activities.