Image of the coaches and participants going through the safety briefing and the session plan before the (indoor) climbing session.
Coach: “Before we start, we’ll go through today’s session plan, and complete the safety briefing.”
As the session begins, the lead coach emphasises to the participants that while safety is important, they also want to make sure that everyone has fun.
Coach: “Let's make sure we have fun while staying safe.”
Image of participants putting on climbing equipment and safety harnesses.
Coach: “Everyone’s equipment has been checked, and we’re ready to go!”
Once they start climbing, coaches supervise and assist the climbers in their groups.
Coach: “We are going to go around and help each person out individually.”
Participants go up the big wall attached to a rope with a harness, and when they reach the top, they are lowered down by the coaches.
Coach: “When you reach the top of the climbing wall you’ll be lowered down.”
At the end of the session, some of the group moves over to a smaller, bouldering wall with one of the coaches.
As they move to this wall, half the group stays back at the big wall with the other coaches.
Coach: “OK, for the last 10 minutes of the session we’re going to move to the bouldering wall. You can remove your safety harnesses.”
One participant reaches the top of the bouldering wall. Participant thought bubble: “How do I get down?”
Without having been shown how to descend, the participant jumps from the top and sustains an injury.
The coach is looking at the big wall, not the participant.
Coach: “Are you OK?”
Participant: “Ow, I've hurt my arm! I didn’t know how to get down, why didn't you tell me not to jump?”