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11 Jul 2023 458
Rapport Building and Communicating Safety and Welfare Trust

The Five Conditions of Trust

Laura Purdy introduces the five facets of trust that were identified by Megan Tchannen-Moran and colleagues. Exploring each in turn, we consider the importance and implications of Benevolence, Reliability, Competence, Honesty and Openness in our relationships in sport

We frequently hear participants referring to the trust they have with their coach as a significant factor for achieving success or contributing to a positive experience in sport.

Occasionally we hear about teams whose high degree of mutual trust led to a memorable season, success in competition and positive practice environment.

It is likely that you can think of many examples of how trust has been a key element in a positive experience in physical activities and sport or, for some, the opposite. For example, how a lack of trust among team members ruined the experience.

Trust is important in sports. It may motivate participants to put in more effort, engage in a practice session or totally commit to the team action or plan. It can strengthen relationships, develop bonds, and promote cooperation and communication.

The video offers an overview of trust in the sport environment, describing what it "looks like" in sport, how it can be fostered and nurtured, and its advantages. This can occur between participants and coaches, as well as between participants and the coaching team or wider team.

It also examines the challenges and threats to trust and their consequences.

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