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09 Apr 2020 782

Keeping people active at home

With the implementation of social-distancing measures introduced by the UK Government to combat the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), great coaching has become more relevant than ever.

Great coaches are experts in connecting with people, helping to understand their needs, and creating an environment in which they can thrive. The coaching community of the UK is playing a significant role to support the general health and well-being of the nation by keeping people active at home.

UK Coaching has produced three infographics – and unlocked more of its subscriber resources –  to give insightful guidance to coaches, parents and households on how to create great coaching experiences to those around them, whilst at home. They are:

  • Coaching People Online: Tips for coaches on how to deliver sport and physical activity sessions remotely
  • Encouraging Our Children to be Active: Tips for parents on encouraging their children to be active
  • Coaching Yourself: Tips on how to create and sustain active habits - whether as individuals or as households

UK Coaching’s Policy and Partnership Manager Craig Blain, said:

We’re living through a strange and unprecedented time, where restrictions on our lifestyles are necessary to help us to collectively combat the spread of COVID-19, protect the NHS, and save lives. Our daily routines have been forced to change, including our physical activity habits – from active travel through to structured exercise or sports participation – with less opportunity to engage in physical activity in a way that suits our needs, we are at risk of doing less and bringing about further health implications.

“The benefits of physical activity are far reaching, not only can it benefit our physical health, it can have a profound positive effect on our mental health and well-being. Great coaching experiences can act as a multiplier for our health in this sense, it can increase our feelings of satisfaction, enhance our well-being and support us to sustain our active habits for longer. This is why we’ve produced these three simple infographics.

“Coaches are no longer delivering face-to-face physical activity or sport sessions and are using technology, such as video conferencing, to coach remotely. Our infographic dedicated to them focuses on some of the coaching behaviours they can exhibit to make those experiences great.

“Parents and guardians on the other hand are finding themselves as the interim ‘real life’ coaches for their children. Their infographic is a point of reassurance, where they can find a few key pointers to help energise the kids and make the most of their new found role. In addition to this, the infographic will sign-post parents and guardians to our free and unlocked subscriber resources to aid them further in adapting activities to suit their children.

“For everyone, understanding how to approach staying or even becoming more active at home can be tricky, so in the final infographic, we have put together some guiding principles to help support people to do just that.”

Sport England's National Strategy Lead for Health Sarah Ruane, said: 

Staying active at home is an important part of helping us to navigate these testing times. The infographics from UK Coaching are the perfect tool to help understand how to approach getting active and inspire others to do the same. They complement perfectly with our Join the Movement campaign, #StayInWorkOut, which gives ideas of what to do at home to stay active. By adding in the how to element, we're empowering more people to stay active whilst following the Government's advice on social distancing.

Download the infographics by heading to our Coaching Behaviours guide.