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UK Coaching Team
Safety and Welfare Organising and Planning Duty to Care Guide Duty to Care

A Guide to Safeguarding

One of six guides to support you on your Duty to Care journey. Learn how to apply the principles from the safeguarding pillar

Each guide in this series introduces the pillar that the guide covers, explaining the importance to participants, coaches, and coaching practice through key messages, practical tips, videos, downloads, and templates. Take the next step and consider how you can apply the principles from the safeguarding pillar to improve your coaching and your participants’ experiences.

In this guide:

  • Position of trust. Explore definitions for working with children and adults.
  • Safeguarding adults and children. Learn about recognising and responding to safeguarding adults and children concerns.
  • Grooming and exploitation. Understand the process of grooming and how it results in abuse and exploitation.
  • Lower-level concerns. Consider small rule breaks that breach a code of conduct or behaviour that falls below what the organisation requires.
  • Creating a safer environment. Examine factors to creating a safe environment including Safer Recruitment, Codes of Conduct, and Risk Assessments.
  • Digital safety. Evaluate how you can keep yourself and your participants safe when communicating digitally.
  • Clean sport. Understand your role in promoting clean sport and anti-doping.

Definition of Safeguarding

Safeguarding can be summarised as promoting an individual’s general well-being by addressing abuse and serious harm, wider welfare issues, poor practice, and lower-level concerns. Preventing and responding to incidents is key to this.

Why is understanding safeguarding important in your coaching?

Safeguarding must be central to your coaching; it is a moral and legal responsibility that will boost participation and support retention. The wide-reaching benefits of embedding safeguarding include:

  • increased trust in you and your organisation
  • improved investment in participant care
  • improved communication between you, participants, and the wider organisation
  • improved reputation.

Safeguarding considerations in your coaching practice

It is crucial that everyone, children and adults, are safe throughout your coaching sessions. This includes thinking, not only about your coaching but also about the environment that you’re in.

Coaches play a key part in safeguarding. You should be found to be suitable for your role, appropriately trained and qualified and insured, and you should follow the codes of conduct and ratios laid out in your National Governing Bodies’ (NGBs) or sports organisations’ guidance.

If you are a lone worker, you can develop your own codes of conduct and make them widely available to participants.

All suspicions, concerns, or allegations of harm must be taken seriously and responded to appropriately. It is vital that you, as a coach, know what you need to do in these situations.


The welfare of the participant is paramount. All participants, whatever their age, gender, culture, language, racial origin, religious belief, sexual identity, or disability, have an equal right to be safe and protected.

Each Home Nation has legislation that sets out definitions of safeguarding adults and children.

Position of Trust


There is a narrow legal definition of a ‘Person in a Position of Trust’ that focuses on people who work with adults with care and support needs. Coaches are very unlikely to be in that role, however, it is important that you know what to do if you have concerns about a person working with adults with care and support needs.

For example, if you run a session with disabled participants and witness a carer or personal assistant harming an adult, you must follow your safeguarding procedures.

A misuse of power or position can be seen in coach and adult relationships where a coach uses their role to initiate relationships with adult participants to meet their own motives.

For example, a coach using the threat of withdrawal of coaching or selection from a squad, in order to control the participant and get them to do what they want.

While rightly, there is reluctance to say that every adult who competes in sport is vulnerable, when someone is in a team or on a pathway, vulnerability inevitably increases, as so much is taken out of their control."

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Duty of Care in Sport Independent Report to Government, 2017


Adults that regularly coach children in physical activity or sport have a significant influence on those children. It should be a positive one, involving developing physical skills and holistic child development. 

The relationship is one of trust and respect and so there is deemed to be a significant power imbalance between the adult and the young person. As a result, the young person may not understand the appropriate boundaries in the relationship and may be vulnerable to manipulation and grooming.

Coaches and members of the wider coaching team involved in physical activity and sport should be aware of and recognise the boundaries of what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviours and situations involving those in a position of trust.

Position of trust is a legal term that refers to certain roles and settings where an adult has regular and direct contact with children.

In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland changes to the Position of Trust legislation in June 2022 meant that, for the first time, sports coaches were included in the safeguarding legislation

The Position of Trust legislation relates to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, particularly relating to making it a criminal offence for adults in a position of trust to engage in sexual relationships with 16- and 17-year-olds.

This is intended to safeguard children over the age of sexual consent that may be at risk of sexual abuse and exploitation in situations where an adult is in a position of trust.

Prior to 2022, the Position of Trust definitions included roles such as teachers and doctors, but the law was changed specifically to extend the definition to include adults that regularly coach, teach, train, instruct, or supervise 16 and 17-year-olds who are taking part in physical activity and sport.


Organisations should clearly define within their codes of conduct that abuse of positions of trust is unacceptable behaviour that could result in prosecution. Breaches of these codes should be addressed in line with the law. e.g., reported to the police.

Safeguarding Adults and Children

Coaches and members of the wider coaching team involved in physical activity and sports organisations should be aware of and recognise:

  • the different types of abuse
  • the signs of abuse and poor coaching practice
  • boundaries of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviours and situations involving those in a position of trust
  • how to respond to concerns involving children and adults at risk
  • how and where to report concerns involving children and adults at risk.


Everyone has the right to be safe, and free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding applies to all adults, whether they are participants, have care and support needs, or are volunteers or staff.

Any adult could find themselves in circumstances where they are at increased risk of harm. This could include:

  • the level of care and support needs they have
  • the level of dependency on others
  • their mental and physical health
  • their living situation
  • the level of isolation from others
  • their level of financial security or independence
  • the level of control they have over their day-to-day lives.

Someone looking for an individual whom they perceive to be an 'easy target' can exploit any of these circumstances. In physical activity and sport, someone's desire to be the best can also be exploited.


Abuse can affect any child. However, abusers will target children who appear to be vulnerable such as children in care, children with low self-esteem, and children who are experiencing difficulties with their peers or families. This is because they perceive these children to be easier to manipulate and isolate from potentially protective adults or friends.

In physical activity and sport, a child may be vulnerable because of their dependence on an individual for their progress in the sport or even their place in the team or squad.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is prevention. The action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm: the proactive policies and procedures in place for the benefit of all involved.

What is protection?

Protection is the response part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individuals identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures, which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.

Both aspects are of equal importance as part of the whole.

An analogy


MOT, insurance and driving licence = safeguarding

Airbag = protection

Cliff top:

Barriers to stop someone falling over = safeguarding

Safety net in the event of them getting through the barriers = protection

You may identify concerns about issues that happen in your organisation, or you may hear about things that have happened outside of the organisation.

You may be concerned about someone’s physical or mental well-being, you may see signs of abuse or notice that they look distressed or unhappy, a participant may tell you about something that rings an alarm bell with you, or directly disclose that they are being abused or in danger.


Adults may experience:

  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • financial abuse
  • neglect
  • self-neglect
  • modern slavery
  • domestic abuse
  • discrimination
  • organisational abuse, i.e., where settings such as a care provider or hospital fail to meet safeguarding standards.


Types of abuse experienced by children (legally regarded as anyone under the age of 18) include physical, emotional, neglect, sexual, and peer bullying.

Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.


If you are concerned about an adult:

  • talk to them, listen to them, and offer help and support
  • respect them and give them the choice and control over their decisions.



It is important to remember that the welfare of the individual is of paramount concern. However, it isn’t up to you to decide whether or not a person has been abused but to report concerns appropriately by following your safeguarding adults or safeguarding children procedures.

If you think an individual is in immediate danger or discloses that they are in immediate danger, call the police.

Clear and separate adult and children safeguarding policies and procedures are crucial to dealing with concerns. Check which policies your organisation has in place and if there aren’t any, raise this as a concern. If you are a sole trader, develop your own.

Support is available should you need it, through your NGB, statutory social care services, the NSPCC, as well as directly from the Child Protection in Sport Unit and The Ann Craft Trust.


Reporting can happen internally within your organisation, such as discussing concerns with a welfare or safeguarding officer and getting advice.

Reporting concerns can also happen externally, such as by reporting to the local authority adult social care team.

There are specific criteria for reporting safeguarding adults to the local authority and each Home Nation has a different definition of an adult at risk. However, all focus on adults with care and support needs who are experiencing or who are likely to experience abuse and neglect, and who need support with safeguarding or protecting themselves.


Having a conversation is central to safeguarding adults.

If it is safe and if you feel comfortable, speak to the adult you are concerned about. Explain to them that you are concerned about them and ask them what they want to happen. Let them know that you need to follow the organisation’s procedures and, if you have one, pass the concern on to the safeguarding officer. 

It is important not to ignore a concern or delay acting. Whether reporting internally or externally, it is important that the adult is involved wherever possible.


The reporting procedures should accurately reflect the safeguarding structure already in place and refer to the specific safeguarding job titles that are being used. These titles are often welfare officer, regional welfare officer and national lead officer.

Safeguarding concerns should usually be directed to these safeguarding leads. The reporting procedures should address concerns from within the sport, such as those relating to the behaviour of a coach or participant, as well as concerns away from the sport such as at home, school or in the wider community.

The procedures and guidance should be communicated to all stakeholders including staff, volunteers, young people and parents, and provided in a language and format that can be easily understood so that everyone is aware of what is required.


If something seems ‘off’ to you or you have a worry about something/someone…. Report it!

If you're affiliated with an NGB or sports organisation, refer to their safeguarding procedures about who to report the concerns to.

If your organisation or activity isn’t affiliated with an NGB, you can seek support from the active partnership (previously county sports partnership) or your local children’s social care (social services).

If there's no one else available to help, contact the police.

Ensure you keep a record of your concern and how you reported it.

Every participant has a right to be free from abuse. Whilst most coaches are caring and supportive and have the best interests of their participants at heart, unfortunately, there are coaches who show signs of abusive behaviour.

They may not be aware of how they are being perceived or may be acting in a way that is learned behaviour from historic practices.

Most coaches will have either experienced the physical activity or sport as a participant or used a mentor in their coaching development, and all this input will impact how you deliver as a coach.

Use self-reflection

Self-reflection is a vital tool for considering your coaching practice.

Self-reflection is about thinking about and analysing your coaching activity, either generally or in specific situations.

It's also about considering if there is a way you could improve what you are delivering, or how you are delivering it, to get the most out of your participants and create the safest environment for them.

Consider elements of your coaching, reflect on how it felt to you and how it is likely to have been felt by your participants. What you could change for it to be the best it could be?

Think about:

  • Your participants’ learning styles.
  • Your coaching style.
  • How you interact with participants.
  • How you make sessions fun and engaging.
  • How you create an environment of trust and respect.
  • How you manage participants and their behaviour with others.

By regularly reviewing your delivery and being honest and open with yourself about how your coaching could be ‘even better if….’, the participant will become central to everything you do and will help you to be the best you can be for them.


Be a team player

If you work with other coaches, be reflective of how you interact with them and observe how they deliver. 

Create an environment of open discussion so you can check and challenge each other in your delivery and create a sporting environment where every participant can thrive and grow and be safe from harm. 

There is a phrase, ‘a rising tide raises all ships’, which means that by working as a team and challenging each other to be striving for best practice, the environment you create for participants will be safe, free from harm and enable participants to thrive and reach their full potential.

Create a great environment

The key to safeguarding is for the participant to feel safe in sessions, have a voice in their sporting activity, and feel like they can challenge and be heard.

Respect should be mutual and clear professional boundaries are critical.

Work with your participants to seek their input:

  • Ask them how sessions could be improved.
  • Understand what their goals are.
  • Create a relationship of honesty and trust.
  • Understand what they love about sessions and capitalise on that.
  • Create strong feedback channels so that your participants’ voices can be heard.

Have clear safeguarding policies and procedures

Safeguarding policies are critical for everyone to understand what safeguarding means to you and how to report concerns. However, policies and procedures are only worthwhile if they are implemented, and everyone understands them.

Participants (and their parents or carers) should have a clear understanding of your safeguarding framework and what it means to them.

They should:

  • understand what ‘safe’ looks and feels like and feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarity or challenging things that they are uncomfortable with
  • know who to approach if they have a safeguarding concern and feel confident that they will be heard and their concern acted on
  • understand how to report concerns and what will happen if they do. 

Safeguarding is more than writing a policy. Safeguarding should be a golden thread that runs through everything you do.


Does your organisation have a safeguarding policy?

What are your organisation’s procedures for responding to, reporting, and recording concerns?

Are your participants (and their parents or carers) aware of who they can speak to if they have a concern? What do you and your organisation do to ensure they do know?


Grooming and Exploitation

Everyone working and volunteering in physical activity and sport needs to be aware of the grooming process so that steps can be taken to prevent individuals from being exploited.

Grooming is about control and dominance, the creation of dependence and isolation.

Anyone at any age can be a victim of grooming, and anyone can groom, inside and outside of physical activity and sport.

This could be a coach grooming a child or adult, or a club member grooming another member. Grooming may also entail manipulating the people around them and even the environment.

For the abuser, grooming is a conscious strategy, but the process of grooming could make a child or an adult feel good initially, meaning that they come to trust and even care about the abuser. As a result, the individual is often unaware for too long that their relationship with their abuser is getting gradually unhealthier.

People groom others to manipulate them for their own gain. The result of grooming is abuse and exploitation. This could entail sexual, financial, emotional or physical abuse. Adults, children and young people can also be groomed for radicalisation or criminal exploitation.

How grooming happens

We know that people who set out to groom will use a range of tactics to trick and entrap children and adults.

These often include:

Who harms individuals?

People who abuse can be of any gender and any age. People who abuse will often hold positions of trust or authority and may take steps to manipulate those around them to ensure they are perceived as respectable, reliable and trustworthy. This means they can look like any other member of the community.

They do not necessarily look like our perceptions of people who abuse others that we hear about in the news. If an abuser was easy to identify by appearance, then people would avoid them and would ensure they were prevented from gaining access to children and adults.

Signs of grooming


It’s rare for a child to tell an adult about being tricked and groomed. Children may not speak about it for many reasons, including feelings of embarrassment, fear of not being believed, not recognising the situation as abusive, or because they are dependent on the person causing harm.

Similarly, adults may feel ashamed and that they are responsible for the abuse, whilst others may not realise that they have been groomed and are being exploited.


There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of grooming behaviour taking place in your organisation. These include:


By spotting the signs of grooming behaviour, you may be able to stop the abuse and exploitation of children and adults.

Address any breaches of codes of conduct, no matter how small.

The giving of gifts may make the recipient feel good, but indicates favouritism and isolating someone makes them far more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.


What strategies does your organisation have in place to reduce the risk of grooming taking place?


Lower-level concerns

Lower-level concerns, sometimes called poor practice, are small rule breaks that breach a code of conduct or behaviour that falls below what the organisation requires.

Poor practice or lower-level concerns include:

  • inappropriate language
  • making fun of someone
  • humiliating or degrading someone
  • restricting basic needs such as rehydrating or use of toilet facilities.

It could be actions that fall short of expected professional standards, such as:

  • not providing the appropriate supervision for a group
  • coaching under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It could also be a lack of action, such as:

  • not helping someone who may be ill or injured
  • not following the organisation’s policy or procedure for reporting concerns.

An organisation that is seen to challenge all concerns, including that thought of as lower-level concerns, discourages any further rule-breaking or escalating behaviour from taking place.

Lower-level concerns may not always be managed through a safeguarding procedure; however, they can be red flags for signs of more serious behaviour or concerns and therefore it is crucial that they are managed swiftly and appropriately to prevent them from becoming safeguarding concerns.

Where lower-level concerns or poor practice are left unchallenged, they can result in inappropriate or unhealthy behaviours becoming normalised accepted behaviours. This can lead to an unsafe, often toxic, environment and culture.

As a coach, it’s important to create an environment that appropriately challenges poor practice and that is open, encouraging people to share concerns, no matter how small.


A lower-level concern is still a concern and therefore must be taken seriously and reported as soon as possible. It’s important to pass on the information you have to the relevant person in your organisation.

Lower-level concerns may require investigation or subsequent management at a local level through the regional, county, or club welfare officer, depending on your safeguarding structure.

If your organisation is affiliated with an NGB or sports organisation, contact them to find out the process within your physical activity or sport.

Persistent poor practices or investigations that reveal serious concerns should be referred to the national safeguarding lead or the case management group for a decision about further action.

Concerns from outside sport

Safeguarding issues may be picked up about things that are happening outside of sport and activity sessions.

It’s essential that concerns coming to light from outside of sport or activity are still acted on in the individuals’ interests and responded to in line with safeguarding policy and procedures.

This usually means reporting concerns to the relevant club or organisational safeguarding lead or in urgent situations referring directly to the police or local statutory agencies. With adults, you need to include them fully in the process.

Safeguarding guidance and support should be accessible to everyone in your organisation, covering how to respond to, report and record these concerns.


How does your organisation challenge poor practice?

What strategies does your organisation have in place to prevent poor practice from taking place?


Creating a Safer Environment

It is vital that anyone undertaking a role that involves contact with people meets legal requirements for their role and as such, should be taken through a safer recruitment process.

Physical activity and sport rely on thousands of well-motivated staff and volunteers, without whom most organisations, activities and events would not exist.

It is essential that your physical activity or sport has effective recruitment and selection procedures. This will help to create a safe workforce for both paid staff and volunteers, as well as help to screen out and discourage those who are not suitable from joining your organisation.


Many national governing bodies, active partnerships, local authorities and other physical activity and sports organisations have clear recruitment requirements that you may need to comply with. They can also offer guidance and practical support.

What are the benefits?

Here are some of the benefits of having recruitment and selection procedures in place in your sport:

  • Staff and volunteers will have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
  • Parents are reassured that measures are taken to recruit only suitable people to work with children and young people.
  • There is a reduced risk to your physical activities or sports reputation.

Key things to consider:

  • The same procedures should be adopted whether staff are paid or unpaid, full or part-time.
  • The individual should have the right skills, knowledge and attitude for the role you are looking to recruit to.
  • DBS checks for all those who have eligible roles working with children or adults.
  • Staff or volunteers should be given appropriate induction and training for the position they are undertaking, as well as CPD where required.
  • Easily accessible links to organisational policies and procedures.

It’s important to ensure your organisation does all that it can to recruit the most suitable person for a role and one that will best suit your setting. Gaps in employment history, or any previous concerns raised within references about the applicant's conduct, will affect suitability to work with children and young people.

Codes of conduct are an agreed set of expectations, behaviours, boundaries, and responsibilities for a specific group and play a significant and important role in helping keep people safe.

They can sometimes be seen in a negative list of restrictions being imposed, so it’s important to present the positive aspects of codes of conduct and where possible try and include your group in the development of them. When participants have been involved in the development of a Code of Conduct, understand the purpose, and it is kept up to date and ‘lived,’ you will get better engagement, where individuals are more likely to follow it or call out behaviour that isn’t meeting it.  

Codes of conduct are a means by which action can be taken if behaviours or boundaries are not being followed. This can be important as without it, it can be more challenging to take action and hold someone to account.

A code of conduct doesn’t need to be a list of dos and don’ts: be creative in the way you word them, consider using positive statements that reinforce positive behaviours, values and expectations, and don’t forget to have a process in place for how to manage a situation if someone doesn’t meet the expectations of the Code of Conduct.

It’s important to ensure these are clearly communicated and followed.


Always take appropriate action if someone has breached a code of conduct and follow your policy and procedures. Someone’s actions or inactions could be the start of more serious concerns or be part of a pattern of behaviour or a final piece of information that your safeguarding lead needs to know about.

As coaches, you will be aware of risk assessments, but this is often in relation to the health and safety aspect of your coaching role; ensuring you use the right safety equipment, and ensuring the environment is safe for your activity. Another important aspect of risk assessments relates to the people involved; this should be considered for all age groups including adults.

Everyone is different and it is important to get to know the children and adults you are coaching, gathering as much knowledge as is appropriate to your setting such as any specific physical, learning, behavioural, care and/or support needs, and undertaking individual assessments when necessary.

You may need to work with the individual to discuss how best you can support them with their individual needs and develop a specific risk assessment with them. This is something that should be regularly revisited to ensure it is still current and relevant as people’s needs and circumstances can change over time.

When working with adults, all communication should be with the adult themselves, wherever possible. Arrange a time to discuss someone’s individual needs and how you can best support them. Parental involvement should only be with the consent of the adult.

Remember to provide the opportunity for ongoing discussions and regular reviews to make sure individual needs are being met and any changes in circumstances are being considered. 

Other areas of consideration in risk assessments include:

  • safe dispersal of participants (making sure they leave safely)
  • who else has access to the training environment
  • how participants get to and from your venue safely
  • coach-to-participant ratios: appropriate to the age of the participants.


What steps does your organisation take to ensure safe recruitment?

What does your organisation do to ensure that everybody (coaches, staff, participants, and parents or carers) is aware of codes of conduct relevant to them? How often is this revisited?

How does your organisation involve participants, coaches, and parents or carers in the development of codes of conduct?


Digital Safety

In the digital age, instant communication is standard in everyday life. The younger generation has grown up with text and instant messaging as part of their way of life, and whilst this can be a useful communication method, it brings with it some risks. Appropriate communication is critical to protect you as a coach and your participants. 

It is important that your participants also understand the boundaries and appropriate methods of communication. If you make sure you share and agree on these at the start of your coaching relationship, it will help reduce risks or misunderstandings further down the line.

Here are some simple Do’s and Don’ts to help you think about how you communicate:

Use of social media

We live in world of social media. It is a fantastic way for people to connect with each other and share aspects of their life.

The appropriate use of social media can be an effective way to promote yourself as a coach or the organisation you work in. It can be used to share details of upcoming events or to celebrate success in your sport.

However, with that use comes the risk of misuse.


If you are affiliated with an NGB or sports organisation for your physical activity or sport, they may have specific requirements, policies or guidelines relating to the use of social media.


Considering the Do’s and Don’ts of digital communication:

What do you currently do? Which do you need to change?

How do you promote digital safety with your participants (and their parents or carers)?


Clean Sport

As a coach, you are responsible for the health and safety and welfare of your participants and for ensuring that they are protected from harm.

You hold influence with your participants and play a crucial role in supporting them to develop the right values and ethical behaviours. It’s therefore important that you understand and promote clean sport and anti-doping as part of your role in protecting participants from harm.

It’s also important that you understand the anti-doping rules as they apply to coaches as well as participants in all sports at all levels.

Anti-doping agencies

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) are two agencies that are responsible for regulating clean sport.

WADA’s role is to develop, standardise and coordinate anti-doping rules and policies across all sports and countries.

UKAD is responsible for ensuring that sports in the UK are compliant with WADA through the UK’s National Anti-Doping Policy.

Your role in clean sport

We all have a responsibility to protect clean sport."

As a coach, you can:

  1. Understand the rules. Be aware of anti-doping rule violations, rules, or processes specific to your physical activity or sport.
  2. Be a role model. Coaches hold influence with their participants, so it’s important that you set the right standards. Be aware of the language you use and the behaviour you display about clean sport and anti-doping.
  3. Have honest conversations. Help participants to make informed choices about their actions in a supportive way. Be prepared for these potentially challenging conversations by ensuring you know the rules, and what support is available. Using case studies or stories to discuss the causes of rule violations is a great way to start a conversation and understand your participants’ views and concerns.
  4. Promote the idea of ‘strict liability.’ Remind participants that this means they are responsible for anything they have in their body so they should carefully consider what they consume i.e., food/drink, supplement products, or medications.
  5. Collaborate. Involve others that may influence participants, such as the wider coaching team and parents or carers in supporting clean sport and anti-doping messaging.
  6. Re>ACT. Recognise when something might not be right, that you’re worried about, or that might require your intervention i.e., supplement use through to intentional doping, and take the appropriate Action by thinking about what your role is in that situation, and how you can tackle the situation effectively.
  7. Seek support. It’s important to seek support from those that can help you and your participants. Communities of Practice, mentors, NGBs, and sporting organisations are great places to seek support. You can also contact UKAD for advice and confidential support.


How do you promote clean sport in your environment/with your participants?

Are you aware of the anti-doping rules and specific processes for your physical activity or sport?


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Duty to Care: Safeguarding

Help children, young people and adults, from grass-roots through to high performance level, feel safe and protect them from harmful practice in sport and physical activity


Related Resources

  • Position of Trust: Understanding Recent Law Changes

  • Safeguarding Adults: Responding to Concerns

  • Coaches and Clean Sport


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