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UK Coaching Team
Safety and Welfare

Safeguarding Adults: Your Questions Answered

In this guide developed in partnership with the Ann Craft Trust (ACT) we explore some of the major issues that underpin the safeguarding of adults, a commitment to which is the legal and moral responsibility of all coaches.

There are some common misconceptions around safeguarding adults within a physical activity or sport setting that can create confusion and uncertainty, which can hinder your confidence and stall urgency to act if issues arise. 

This is compounded by a degree of complexity relating to safeguarding adults that distinguishes it from the safeguarding of children. 

One of the best ways to help improve your ability to deal with adult safeguarding is to establish quality relationships with the people you coach. 

Taking the time to understand and connect with individuals by embracing a person-centred philosophy is a tried-and-trusted method for establishing rapport. Your participants will soon begin to feel you have their best interests at heart. And as levels of trust, respect and cooperation grow, so too will your participants’ sense of safety and security as they become more confident that you have their interests at the heart of what you do.

Ultimately, the greater chance there is that they will confide in you if something is wrong, and the greater the likelihood that you will pick up on any negative energy, emotions or changes in behaviour from them. 

Safeguarding is about building and establishing relationships through having conversations. It’s about getting to know your participants, what works for them, building trust, and establishing appropriate boundaries.

Below we run through some of the most frequently asked questions about safeguarding adults in physical activity and sport. 

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