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UK Coaching Team

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Digital Toolkit: Learn to Save a Life

Be quick, be smart and restart a heart with our FREE life-saving digital learning toolkit – includes an online course – that will enable you to act fast in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops pumping blood around the body and vital organs, due to an abnormal heart rhythm. It can happen to anyone, at any time.

  • 60,000 people have a sudden cardiac arrest within the community every year in the UK.
  • 12 each week are under the age of 35.
  • Only 1 in 10 survive.

If effective action is taken within the first minute, it can treble chances of survival.

Would YOU know what to do?

Learn to save a life with our free digital learning toolkit

We have created a digital toolkit, which includes an award-winning interactive eLearning course, in collaboration with Resuscitation Council UK, St John Ambulance and Joe Humphries Memorial Trust, and funded by Sport England. The Toolkit is free and will help you gain the knowledge and confidence to respond quickly and appropriately in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.

It includes:

  • practical information and advice
  • an immersive scenario-based eLearning course
  • a series of high impact and informative videos
  • insightful interviews and compelling written features with survivors, their coaches, and victims’ families
  • signposting to further support.

We encourage anyone involved in sports and physical activity including coaches, personal trainers, club organisers, referees, volunteers, parents, participants and spectators  to access this life-saving learning.

YOU can make a difference. YOU can save a life.

“Get the training, because the alternative is unthinkable.”

Martin Johnson, former England rugby union captain & team manager, patron of Joe Humphries Memorial Trust


“For me, every day is a blessing. To be able to see my wife and my four children, to play with them and laugh with them, that is the biggest gift I could ever wish for.”

Fabrice Muamba, former professional footballer Bolton Wanderers 


When you sign up for our free toolkit, you'll get access to our free Sudden Cardiac Arrest eLearning course. This is accessible through your toolkit or via your Learning Activity on your Dashboard.

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UK Coaching Team