Every child deserves to enjoy playing sport and engaging in physical activity in a safe and supportive environment, where they feel heard, understood, and valued.
This interactive online classroom will help you recognise and respond to concerns a child may be experiencing, or be at risk of experiencing, harm, neglect, or abuse.
You will learn the importance of person-centred care and taking an individualised approach to your coaching practice, that puts the child or young person at the heart of every session.
UK Coaching works in partnership with the NSPCC and CPSU to regularly review and develop the course content and materials to ensure the learning content, guidance and delivery is current.
- Updated in April 2022, the guidance and scenarios provided will prompt you to reflect on what it means to be a child today, and to consider the impact and implications on your coaching practice.
- You will learn techniques to help you develop a child-centred philosophy that positively contributes to ensuring safe practice and creating a safe environment that meets the needs and protects the welfare of all children.
Through interactive scenarios and discussions with people from different sports and activities, you will have the opportunity explore the consequences of those decisions in a safe and supportive environment, helping to increase your confidence to deal with safeguarding issues effectively and counteract the latest threats to emerge that could impact on the physical or mental health of children in modern Britain.
The course has been awarded 2 CPD points by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).
Please note, this online classroom session is for over 18’s only.