As a coach, your primary role is to help individuals improve and progress as people, participants and performers. To achieve this, you need to explore how learning happens, and understand what can help the people you coach to learn more effectively as they work towards goals that are relevant to them.
Your coaching practice is the toolkit that you can use to ensure that you’re being supportive, effective and proficient. It should include everything from the basic, underpinning principles of Plan, Do, Review, through to your practice design, communication tactics, and how you make observations and decisions to guide your feedback and support. The combination of these elements is what makes learning engaging and ‘sticky,’ creating ‘moments’ for the people you coach.
When you combine these ‘moments,’ your coaching practice, and the environment that you provide, you can create high quality holistic learning opportunities, maximising the experience for all.
Through the pillars below, find resources to help you on your journey to understanding coaching practice.