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UK Coaching Participation Team
Rapport Building and Communicating

Understanding Unconscious Bias

Insight into unconscious bias, including its different varieties and impact, as well as the strategies that we can use to ensure that its influence over our lives is reduced

Unconscious Bias Series

Duty to Care Hub and Digital Badge

Learn about the importance of Duty to Care and earn our free Digital Badge by demonstrating your knowledge of the six pillars of Duty to Care (Diversity, Inclusion, Physical Well-being, Mental Health and Well-being, Safeguarding, Safe to Practice).

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Be part of our club that supports coaches of all levels, sports and activities and helps you develop your skills, make great savings, connect with coaches and much more!

Related Resources

  • Being More Conscious in Engaging People in Your Sessions

  • Coaches Must Recognise the Impact of Age Discrimination

  • Knocking Out Bias One Smile at a Time


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UK Coaching Participation Team